Friday, February 25, 2011

Dyshidrotic Eczema Prevention and Cure

A type of eczema that develops as small blisters on a person's feet and hands is called dyshidrotic eczema and is experienced mostly by women. The cause is not clearly determined though the condition is thought to appear at a specific time in a year. Others say it is caused by sweat glands that have malfunctioned causing blisters formed by trapped sweat beneath the skin. But it is now believed that it is an allergic reaction to the environment. Suspected allergens are cobalt, balsam, and nickel with the latter commonly found in jewelries while the other two in manufacturing.

Dyshidrotic eczema is characterized by blisters commonly seen at the palms, fingers, toes and sole. The blisters are itchy causing pain and the patches will flake making it more painful. It is diagnosed upon observation however; skin biopsies or skin scrapings are required to determine if there are any other causes like fungi. Should the doctor suspect an allergic reaction, you may have to submit yourself for a patch test.

Oral medications may be prescribed such as antihistamine, topical moisturizer is another option but if it's worse, ointments or other strong steroid creams are also given.

Scratching the blisters is a no-no when it comes do dyshidrotic eczema or even other types of eczema. Unlike baby eczema, frequent baths must be avoided together with hand washing. The affected person must never use substances that can irritate the skin. Constant itching will further thicken the skin making it more challenging to treat with longer healing period. The pain and the itching that comes with dyshidrotic eczema may cause limitation to the use of the person's hands with a possibility of developing into a bacterial infection.

The person suffering from dyshidrotic eczema must get professional help when signs of infection present. These signs are usually tenderness felt on the affected area, warmth, redness and an increase in the person's body temperature or other signs of fever. If dyshidrotic eczema is not yet diagnosed and you have a rash that won't disappear when treated with home remedies, then you should try to call your doctor.

Persons who are more susceptible to the disease are those suffering from asthma, hay fever or anxiety as stress may also be a cause for its recurrence. Having this type of disease may be very unpleasant due to the itching and pain it brings. Since the blisters appear at places most commonly used in exhibiting activities of daily living, it will be very uncomfortable. Sweating excessively may result to more discomfort. Dyshidrotic eczema does not choose a certain age group but commonly appear in 20-50-year old people. Even if dyshidrotic eczema is treatable, finding ways to avoid it is the key to skip the suffering. Strong detergents and deodorants are not advisable so are solvents and too much exposure in water. Always choose the milder products and never let your skin become too dry. You should also use cotton socks that absorb sweat more quickly. Keep these things in mind because it is always better choosing prevention over cure.